OHS Culture & Climate, Compliance, compliance software, HIRA, ISO 45001, SHEQ

ISO 45001 Clause 6

ISO 45001 Clause 6| SRMC

ISO 45001 Clause 6 – in 45 minutes


Clause 6 is probably the most complex clause within the standard however the main idea is that we identify the internal and external risks, as well as the threats to the management system.

Planning requires that managers be aware of environmental, social, physical and financial conditions facing the organisation and forecast future conditions.

This clause contains three sub-clauses
* Clause 6.1 (Actions to address risks and opportunities)
* Clause 6.2 (Quality objectives and planning to achieve them)
* Clause 6.3  (Planning of changes)

6.1. Risks and opportunities

6.1.2. Hazard identification, risk assessment and opportunities (Operational risk assessment)

  • Identify hazards for all activities, products, services, substances, plants and equipment.
  • New focus on psychosocial issues such as violence, bullying and intimidation
  • Hazards and risks associated with design, installation and layout
  • OHS risks and OHS opportunities

6.1.3.  Legal and other requirements

  • Identify all applicable legal and other requirements
  • Make available and keep up to date

6.1.4.  Planning

This is a new part of the clause where the organisation is encouraged to STOP and THINK before taking action

6.2. OHS objectives (who, what, where, how and with whom)

  • The objectives must be consistent with the OHS policy
  • The objectives must be measurable
  • The objectives must be monitored
  • The objectives must be appropriate

6.3. Planning Changes (take from clause 8)



SRM is ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 certified. Contact our consultants today. Let us know if we can help you with the development and implementation of your Quality Management System.

Use SHEQ software

To design and implement a Quality Management System, SRM and many of our clients use Mango Compliance Software – www.mangolive.com Mango makes it easier to obtain and maintain ISO 9001:2015 certification.

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