Clause 7 Support ISO 45001

ISO 45001 in 45 minutes: Clause 7 – Support ISO 45001
OH&S management system Support
In Clause 7 of ISO 45001, the standard provides guidance on the support that should be provided to ensure that the health, safety, and security management system is effective. An organisation’s OH&S management system must be determined initially, implemented, maintained and continually improved.
Communication related to the OH&S management system should take place both internally and externally in the organisation. This must include:
7.1. Resources
– Provide resources to
- Establish the OHS Management System
- Implement the OHS Management System
- Maintain the OHS Management System
- Continually improves the OHS Management System
– Consider current business needs
– Consider future business needs (people, equipment, services and product)
7.2. Competency
- identify competence for workers who affect the OHS
- ensure competence (qualification, education, training and experience)
- take action to acquire and maintain competence
- evaluate the effectiveness of actions taken
- retain doc evidence
7.3. Awareness
- OHS policy/OHS objectives
- Contribution to the effectiveness of OHS and OHS performance
- Implications/consequences of non-conformance
- Incident and outcomes of investigations
- Relevance of OHS hazards and risks
- Ability to exit unsafe work areas
7.4. Communication
Internal and external communications (What, when, how and with whom)
- Internal levels and functions
- Contractors and visitors
- Interested parties
- Consider the gender/ethnicity/language and ability
- Take into account the legal requirements
- Retain the evidence where required
7.5. Documented information
- Documents required by the standard
- Documents required by the organisation
Creating and updating
- identification
- format language and medium whether it be paper or electronic
- review and approval
- Control of document information
- Documents available when needed
- Documents must be protected and confidential
- Distribution
- Storage
- Control of changes
- Retention and disposition
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