INFORMATION SECURITY: Principle 4 - Commitment management and Stakeholders interests

Principle 4 –  Commitment Management and Stakeholders Interests

Incorporating management commitment and stakeholders’ interests is the fourth principle of information security.

Commitment Management:

A genuine management commitment is cited as the number one requirement for ensuring effective information security by every Information Security Manager. This is certainly true. Whether information security is successful or not is entirely dependent on management commitment.

But management must do more than just say they are committed to the security of information.

An active, ongoing set of behaviours must underpin management commitment to information security. Management commitment is a willingness to scrutinize information security weaknesses on a regular basis and honestly.

Stakeholders’ Interests:

A company has many stakeholders, including employees, managers, directors, shareholders, customers, suppliers, and regulators. Information security must take into account the needs and expectations of each of these groups so as to protect your business.

Management commitment and stakeholders’ interests must be at the forefront of your ISMS, as failure to do so will make it unusable, placing your business at grave risk. It is good news that a robust, strong, and nimble ISMS will be the result of making management commitment and shareholder priorities a priority.

Use SHEQ software

To design and implement a Quality Management System, SRM and many of our clients use Mango Compliance Software – Mango makes it easier to obtain and maintain ISO 9001:2015 certification.


SRM is ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 certified. Contact our consultants today. Let us know if we can help you with the development and implementation of your Quality Management System.