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Where To Start Your Quality Management System?

quality management system | SRMC

ISO 9001:2015 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CLAUSE 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 1, 2 AND 3


You are thinking, why must I be concerned about implementing clauses 0.1 to 03 and 1 to 3. They are not necessary and I can fast track to Clause 4!  Of course, you can do that if you like and many Quality Manager’s do.  However, leaving these clauses out of the Quality Management System is like missing the first 30 minutes of a movie. The first part of a movie is where all the essential and key material is. It is where the foundation of the film is set, where they present you with all the characters. If you miss the first part of the movie, for example, you will be lost. ISO 9001:2015 is identical.


Study all the clauses before 4.  Also, think about these clauses until you understand them. To show that you know that you have absorbed the information, try explaining it to someone else. It will not be a waste of time or energy. “Understanding these clauses is going to give you a rock-solid basis from which to manage the whole certification process.”  

So, have you given this information a lot of time and significant attention? Additionally, there are a couple of items that you may or may not have considered.


This clause includes an overview of the choice to implement a Quality Management System. Furthermore, both internal and external parties can enjoy the advantages of a QMS and ISO 9001:2015.  Also, there are some items you need to find when developing your system.

Get sign off from Top Management

  • If you want to implement ISO 9001, you need to get approval. Because you need to get a decision from Top Management, you will need to sell the advantages of a Quality Management System.

Incorporating other Business Management Systems

  • You can include non-traditional quality systems such as financial, governance and sales and marketing. You can easily combine these into your Quality Management System. It is crucial to think about doing this. Besides, why develop two or three ways of doing it when your ISO 9001:2015 system is already up and running. It will keep everything running smoothly within an established, solid structure.


  • The standard does not suggest that there must be “uniformity in quality systems”.  Your Quality Management System is specific to your company and not duplicated from another system. There is no other company that is the same as your business. Your QMS should show this.

Number your Documentation

  • You do not have to arrange your documentation according to the clauses of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System. However, this new ISO 9001 system has been assembled better than earlier revisions. Most companies use the ISO 9001:2015 numbering in their Quality Manual.


  • You do not have to use the same vocabulary used in ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System in your business. The terminology used can be complicated for Quality Managers that are developing their first system. Strange language can put a considerable obstruction between the employees and the Quality Management System. For this reason, you need simplicity for everyone. You do not want them to have to change the words before acting. For example, instead of “design review, use “input review or “code review”. We use these phrases in business, you should use them in your Quality Management System.

Products Vs Services

  • The standard is perfect for both products and services. They mean the same. If you read the term “product” and your business offers a service, then change the word “product” to “service.”

Sales and Marketing

  • Use your certification to ISO 9001:2015 in all your sales and marketing strategies. Use the ISO 9001 logo in the employees’ email signatures, print it on your letterheads, put it on your website. Additionally, you should devote a total page on your website to ISO 9001. Could you put it in your proposals and tenders? It should also be on any ISO 9001:2015 related items that you hand out, such as forms, checklists, policies and procedures.


  • You will find these in previous blogs that we have published.


  • This involves plan-do-check-act (PDCA) and the risk-based thinking method. Once you start to create your QMS, include PDCA. For this reason, ensure that you have adequate means to perform this function. Your chances to improve are supported and looked after. It would help if you managed risk-based thinking. Make sure that both adverse risk and positive risk are considered in the same way. It is simple to concentrate on what could go dreadfully wrong, while the positive opportunities float away. The standard talks about the necessity to “adopt various forms of improvement”. For instance, breakthrough change, improvement and re-arrangement. Incorporate this viewpoint from the beginning.

This clause concludes some main explanations:

  • “Shall” suggests a condition
  • “Should” suggests a proposal
  • “May” suggests an authorisation
  • “Can” suggests a choice or an ability

These are important to understand when studying the system. Each time these terms are discussed, examine these descriptions to ensure that you are on the correct path.


This is the scope of the standard, not the scope of your company. It is not for all business management systems, but only the Quality Management System. Moreover, companies must prove their capability to deliver products that meet customers’ requirements and relevant standards or guidelines. Also, it strives to improve client satisfaction.


SRM and many of our clients use Mango Compliance Software – www.mangolive.com. Mango makes it easier to get ISO 9001:2015 certification. As Mango matures, clients need conformance to different standards, for example, cyber-security, IT security and high up-time. Being ISO 9001 certified, Mango guarantees to supply clients with reliable products and services and constantly improve this over time.


Clauses 2 and 3 are around references to ISO 9001:2015. This standard gives you a lot of hints and techniques for your recently designed QMS. Finally, all these hints and techniques will only help you so much. If you do not have your groundwork correct, obviously knowing those first clauses 0.1 to 0.3 and 1 to 3, you will be developing your system on unstable ground. You must have a great understanding of the big picture before getting into all the details. Do it correct the first time.

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Mastering ISO 45001 Clause 4 in 45 Minutes: Organizational Context Unveiled




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