Compliance, compliance software, SHEQ, Work Smart

How to make compliance easier?

How To Make Compliance Easier?

Thinking about SHEQ Management and my journey through and with the industry, I have to admit that compliance is one of the toughest challenges to manage. Having been in the SHEQ field for over twenty years, either as a SHEQ Manager for an organisation or a consulting firm, I understand some of the challenges faced by compliance managers.

But is compliance really that difficult or are we our own worst enemy? So let’s consider some of the challenges faced by the SHEQ Manager:

  • Not knowing if required tasks have been completed and where are the records as evidence of compliance.
  • A myriad of uncontrolled documents floating all over the place
  • Excel sheet upon excel sheets, as the system grows some compliance managers try building their own system through excel – (excel never ends well)
  • Incident Investigations and NCR’s sitting on peoples desks and you never know where in the process they are.
  • Trying to coordinate the Mammoth task of identifying training needs and matching their job categories. In addition to the time-consuming task of finding out when retraining is required.
  • Lack of Management commitment due to lack of understanding over oversight of SHEQ
  • Files upon files of records (Paper warfare)

This can be a frustrating and sometimes overwhelming task for any person to deal with. Well, there is a solution. We have been using Mango for over 6 years and it has helped to streamline our SHEQ Compliance needs. In addition, we have taken over 15 companies through to certification against ISO 9001; ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 using Mango SHEQ Software.

What is Mango you might ask? Mango is a SHEQ Compliance software that allows any size organization to effectively monitor, report or analyze their entire SHEQ system online, any time. For more information click on the link:

I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for ways to make life easier. Mango is compliance made easy, doing half the job of a compliance manager of a quarter of the cost.

Mango does the following for me and my clients:

  • All accidents and incidents are investigated through a workflow (online in the cloud) it can be done at the site of the accident loading photos & records right into the incident report. We know where in the process is each incident investigation
  • All audits and inspections are done online – no paper, no mess no fuss
  • Documents are retained in a centralized repository for access by all staff. Any changes to documentation are retained by the system, but only displays the updated content
  • Event Management – really the backbone of the system ensuring that all responsibilities from your management system are discharged and objective evidence is retained, creating a clear audit trail.
  • Human Resources – manages all employees skills, linked to positions, creating a training needs analysis per employee and flagging repeat training, thus ensuring continued staff competency.
  • Improvements – for the reporting, investigation and action of all system non-conformities and improvements
  • Plant & Equipment – Manages infrastructure servicing and reporting
  • Risk Management – Enables you with the ability to create your own style of risk register online and manage your risks and action plans through a single point of contact
  • Supplier Management – Create an online approved suppliers list and review supplier performance
  • System administration – Mango is an incredibly customisable platform allowing us the ability to tailor-make your online compliance system around your corporate language and corporate needs

Simply put Mango “makes compliance simple”

If you are interested in simplifying your compliance, contact us for more information.



We utilised Mango Software Compliance to input our company objectives.  Consequently, each employee had access to the objectives whenever they wanted to look at them.  SRM and many of our clients use Mango Compliance Software –  Mango makes it easier to get ISO 9001:2015 certification.